Featured Testimonials
"I have had bleeding gums for over 30 years. Time and time again I have tried both professionally and personally to stop the problem. Three nights ago I tried your product, the Ultimate Gum Solution. It stopped the bleeding on the second Night! And it’s completely healed! This is the best thing I have ever used and I have used dozens Over the years. Thank you so much!"
-Mike Phillips, CEO of Monastery Of Herbs
"..I’ve been using this Ultimate Gum Solution for over 3 weeks now and I was pleasantly surprised after the first use overnight...in the morning my gums didn’t feel tight as if they were swelling. Since then, I’ve been using it faithfully on a daily basis and haven’t experienced any problems..."
-Jenny Inniss (Blogger)
"According to my hygienist, I have the beginnings of gum disease…Ultimate Gum Solution has arrested the recession of my gums and so they’re stable right now…"
-Doug Erlandson
"I have had trouble with sensitive gums for a while now...eating hot and cold foods can be bothersome. Since I started using Ultimate Gum Solution...there is a lot less pink in the sink and I don't cringe when I eat ice cream or drink coffee. The bottle is very condensed, so even though it looks small, a little goes a long way... places where the gums had started to recede are also looking much better... "
-Laura DeLuca (Health Product Blogger)
“…this solution contains Fulvic acid as well as other nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and amino acids)…both kills germs and improves overall health of gums by delivering nutrients to strengthen tissues. Given my presenting problem (inflamed spot in a tight space in my mouth), this application appears to have helped with my issue…not a placebo effect or a short term remission of the issue. I have dealt with it for over 5 years and know the patterns…”
-Shari Custer (Higher Education Professional)
"..using Ultimate Gum Solution for 5 weeks already and my canker sores are gone and my red cuts inside my mouth have healed….. I am a Cardiac nurse and do know that bad tooth infections have lead to extreme heart diseases, like Pericarditis which may be caused by bacterial infections..."
-Robin Lee (Cardiac Nurse)
Gum Disease and Toothache. I just want to say that this stuff is absolutely fantastic. I was experiencing severe toothache (I don't think there is a mild type!!). Within a day the problem eased, now I am virtually pain free. I have cancelled my dental appointment (thank goodness!!) realizing it was the gums not a tooth creating the problem. Also, I can even eat ice-cream with no pain. Your product really is miraculous. I am just off to check out your affiliate programe now as I would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending your products!! As I said before I am totally impressed by UGS. I was experiencing horrendous pain which started to alleviate from the first application. After three days I was pain free, and it has not returned. Hurrah!! J
-Janet Great Britain
More Testimonials
Dr. Ner H. Azaula DDS (General Dentistry), Eagle Rock, California:
"I have been using Ultimate Gum Solution™ for my clients for one month. All of them have good results. I want to recommend this product to anyone who has a gum infection problem. I didn't find any side effects."
Donna Stahl, Walled Lake Michigan:
What a blessing I found in Ultimate Gum Solution. It has helped my bad gum infection. I had a root canal on my #7 tooth. It was a long standing abscess that finally exploded into a bad infection. My gums had to be drained, and infections kept occurring. I was in a dilemma. I had a cyst the size of a dime. The endodontist explain the surgery I needed but agreed to give it more time.
As soon as I got my first bottle I couldn't wait to open it. I used it right a way and still am. I do not have pockets so I just filled the dropper and put in up under my gum (top) as far as I can put it. and swish it around every time I brush. I can move the area under my nose without pain, and my top lip moves better. My gums are not so red, they are more pink now. I love your Ultimate Gum Solution and will continue to use it. I go to the dentist next week I will see what he says and keep you posted I'm sure my gum cyst has gotten small if not gone. Thank you for making this wonderful all natural product, that doesn't really taste too bad at all.
God Bless you Sung.
Cerritos, California
I'd like to share my testimonial with other people who has problem like me.
I had a giant problem for a long time, everybody continue to laugh and made signs
about me directly in my face. My breath was bad. I came home everyday to brush my teeth and rinsing my mouth until it hurt my arms,
and I went to bed every night crying. I have prayed and prayed for a relief. They are still trying to smell my breath.
Thanks from the Ultimate Gum Solution™, it has helped.
I use everyday now.
Thank you again.
Janet, Great Britain - http://www.womens-natural-health.com
I just want to say that this stuff is absolutely fantastic. I was experiencing severe toothache (I don't think there is a mild type!!). Within a day the problem eased, now I am virtually pain free.
I have cancelled my dental appointment ( thank goodness!!) realising it was the gums not a tooth creating the problem. Also, I can even eat ice-cream with no pain.
Your product really is miraculous. I would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending your products!!
As I said before I am totally impressed by UGS. I was experiencing horrendous pain which started to alleviate from the first application. After three days I was pain free, and it has not returned. Hurrah!!
Duke Truong, Loan Broker at Huntington Beach, California:
"I used Ultimate Gum Solution™ for my gum infection problem. After just one day all my gum infection disappeared. I would like to recommend this product to all my friends. And I saved a lots of money. My dental gum is tight and strong and feels very good now. I don't worry about my gum problem any more."
Mi Bok Lee, House wife, 55 years, Seoul, Korea:"I had gum infections with pain for a while. After inserting Ultimate Gum Solution™ to the infected area for two days my gum infection and swelling was disappeared with no pain. I am very happy now."
Monica Yoo,Health Professional, Garden Grove, California:
"I have a health products store. I have used many different dental gum products from other stores. This Ultimate Gum Solution™ works best. Within one day I saw good results. I decided to distribute this product from my store. I can recommend it to anybody who has dental gum problems. I know they will have good results."
Virgie Dolar, Health Care Professional, Alhambra, California:
"Thank you for your Ultimate Gum Solution™. I used it for two days and the gum swelling from the infection is completely cleared now. It is an amazing product. I want to recommend it to all my friends and business associates. This will save lots of money for me in the long run.
Eun Suk Yang, Business man, 53 years, Seoul, Korea:
"I had a toothache for a few days. Within 30 minutes of inserting the Ultimate Gum Solution™, the pain and bleeding stopped."
Sang Gi Lee, Business man, 53 years, Seoul, Korea:
"My swelling from the gum infection disappeared one day after inserting the gum solution."
Sook Hee Kim, House wife, 58 years, Seoul, Korea:
"After using the solution just once, the smell from my mouth stopped and the infection also stopped."
I don't know where to start, but hear goes. Well my problem started when I developed gum disease a number of years. I didn't start to experience the degree of side affects (gum line receding, bleeding gums) until about three years ago. When I first came across your web site and saw the info you provide on the UGS, I thought that this may be the answer I'm looking for, so I signed up for your newsletter. Upon receiving your newsletters about the different facts on the disease mentioned in your report, which I did not knew before. Although I still wanted more info on the product itself and the research background, It took me awhile to make up my mind to order the product.
When I finally did. I said "let's see if this product really works", because I have been suffering too long without a proper solution to my problem, after trying so many different products out there. I followed the instructions, and I have to say that on first using UGS I was surprise how quickly it worked for me. I no longer had bleeding gums during the night, that gave me terrible breath in the mornings, which I had for years. My overall opinion is that UGS is the best product that I have tried so far with great results for a first time user. I hope with continued use of UGS I won't experience any more receding gum lines, toothache pain
New York
I have to tell you how amazed I was with the results of this product. My son has been battling gum & tooth infections off and on for years. He had just finished a round of antibiotics which did work for 2 weeks and then the horrible swelling returned again. I had ordered this product after I had started him on the antibiotics in case the problem returned. After 3 days of using the product, the swelling was gone and has remained gone. I've told my friend who was a dental assistant and she was amazed too. I would recommend this product to anyone suffering with dental problems.
I love your product and don't know what I would do without it! I had a gum infection that just wouldn't quit. I was on all kinds of antibiotics and none of them worked. Sometimes, while I was using the antibiotics things were worse, because of the strength of the antibiotics, it would upset my stomach. I was about to undergo gum surgery, which the doctors didn't really know if it would help at all, when I came across your web page. I immediately ordered a bottle and let me tell you, within 2 short days the intense throbbing pain was getting less and less. After using it for a week, I could eat with no pain at all!! I quickly ordered more bottles and recommended your product to all my friends. One friend at work was dealing with an abscess at the time and I gave him a bottle to try. He was amazed in 2 weeks the abscess was completely gone!!!
I could never be without this wonderful product and highly recommend it to everyone!!! Thank You!!
Timothy Vancosky – Scranton , PA
--------------------------I am 71 years old. I wear fix bridges. They cover both my upper and down teeth. A year ago, the support (the dentist called it saddle, I believe) at the center of the upper bridge got loose. My dentist repaired it by soldering that part together with the rest of the bridge. However, he warned my that there will be decay and, sooner or later, the whole bridge will have to be removed. The worse of it is that I don't have enough tooth support to receive another bridge. So, I would need removable dentures, or try, with doubtful prospects of success, to put implants. And, when I started having infections (swollen gum, pus coming out) in the area that he repaired, he did not think that it was worthwhile to do root canal. So, I started to use antibiotics (Trimox) trying to fight infection and keep my teeth as long as I could. That gave me only temporary relief. So, I started looking around for other means to treat my problem. I first used Natural Herbal Mouth and Gum Therapy, which helped me with the swelling but not the infection. Then, I found your product. I am using it daily, at least after I brush my teeth after breakfast, and the same at night. If I am at home for lunch, I do the same. I was skeptical at the beginning, but the results are evident: no swelling, and no pus.
I hope this long story gives you a clear and detailed explanation. And I wish it is useful to you.
Sincerely,Malva E. Filer
Dear Support,
Having used your product I guess it is only fair that I contribute towards sharing my findings as honest as I can be with the results with others who may be interested in reading what those who may have used the product may have experienced.
Firstly, it needs to be pointed out that a few months a go I went to the dentist (with a problem free gum and teeth only requiring filling) and during that visit I was directed to have a teeth cleaning session to remove the plaque on my teeth. After that first visit my gums and mouth hurt so bad from the abrasive impact of the tools used in the process of cleaning (and the clumsiness of the dental hygienist) so much that for two months after I had sores on my gum where the 'hygienist' occasionally slipped up with the tool while cleaning. Anyway, on the second visit two months later I was informed that I had a gum infection and according to that dentist. It was impossible to save my teeth and gums.
Well! I decided to do a search on the internet in respect of the ailment that the dentist had indicated I had and one thing led to another and I ended up locating and buying your product.
Up to this point in time after nearly one month and a half my gums no longer bleed, nor do they hurt, and surprisingly my teeth seem stronger in their roots than before...but I guess most of all there no longer is that bad breathe that existed. It may be early days yet (a few may say) but at least the present results have shown that maybe my gums and teeth are not a "... write off" as that "dentist" had stated.
This is a 'testimony' that is as honest as I can explain it in words and I hope others who may try your product are able to derive the same benefits. I do not 'believe' in miracles..but I can say that this product has produced quick that has restored my confidence in my gums and the survival of my teeth.
Almere-The Netherlands
Feedback: Close friend first introduced me to your product and I figured it was one of those "Miracle Products" that work for those on the Home Shopping Network but not for the rest of the world. You know - too good to be true? Well I requested a bottle for myself figuring, well, it's all natural, can't hurt. . . and the painful swelling of my gums disappeared! The nights I'd spend awake due to the horrible pain were over! Thanks to the Ultimate Gum Solution!! You can be sure your business will improve due to word of mouth from this customer!
Please, let us consumers know if you ever plan on discontinuing this product, so we can stock up first.
Sincerely, Lara Blum
Dear Sung Lee,
I am happy to report that I have enjoyed excellent results with the gum solution. The condition of my gums and teeth greatly improved and continue to do so. Yes I am interested in getting more of the product.
Also please share with me any contact information you have for alternative health dentist in the general L.A. area.
Best regards,
Glo Herbert
I had a terrible infection in the front of my lower gums - very swollen & painful. After using for UGS for just a few days, my swelling was gone! After about 2 weeks my infection was gone and has not returned! I would recommend UGS to ANYONE who has problems with gum infection. I don't know what I would have done without it!
Heather Robinson
Dear Gum Solutions,
In my business I travel frequently; out of the country as well as to many destinations in the U.S. Once on a business trip I used your formula to eliminate an extremely agonizing dental problem when it would have been very challenging to find professional help. Thank you for this excellent product that is so effective and convenient to use.
G. M. Herbert
Canoga Park , CA
I would like to reorder the "Ultimate Gum Solution". I found it to work very
well and have been very happy with the results.
if you have a storage box for your great products
please send it this time.
Thanks Very Much,
Paula Lauerman
Cassi Jensen:
I had bleeding gums, which persisted no matter what I tried. I was afraid I was going to have to have costly gum surgery. Your product actually solved my bleeding gums problem, I couldn't believe how well it has worked. :) thanks so much!
I have had swollen and bleeding gums for years. I can not use the Ultra-sonic toothbrush, because it makes my crown loose. Therefore, I had Gum surgeries full mouth, but did not stop the gum problems. Two months ago, my dentist asked me to try another round of Gum surgeries.
I want to avoid expensive, useless and painful surgery, then I found your web and ordered two bottles of "Ultimate Gum Solution" in April.
Thanks to your wonderful product, I feel big relief and I already control the gum problems and no need for the surgeries. Thank you so much!
Deh-Ying Chu West Chester , PA 19380
Sung Lee:
Thank you for the opportunity to praise your fine product. I have been using the 'Ultimate' gum product for two months and, yes, I have noticed an improvement. The pain in my gums is gone and I believe I will have a good report when I next visit my dentist. I have adopted an overall plan to improve my oral condition and your product is a major part of this.
Thanks once again!
Bill Mayo
Mr. Sung Lee,
I want to say how much I love UGS. When I first starting using it I was having a lot of trouble with my gums. They were getting infected and bleeding. I would take medication for it and it would go away for awhile. Then it would come back. But I started using UGS and I could tell right away a difference. My gums quit bleeding, the pain has almost gone away. To tell you the truth when I first started using UGS I really didn't expect it to work. But to my surprise it does work. I use it twice a day. Once in the morning and once before I go to bed. I am so thankful I found UGS. It really works.
Pat Hutchison – OH
Your ultimate gum solution continues to work miracles with me. It also has solved a major problem with my beloved pet dog Pumpkin. Her breath is now fresh and most of the gum infection she had has disappeared.
Thank goodness for UGS!
Joe Schneider - Belle Vernon, PA
Feedback: Sung Lee,
First I would like to thank you for your product, this Ultimate Gum Solution is unbelievable, I have tried both professional & faith healer neither one them diagnose my problem. I've been suffering gum pain for more than 8 years until my wife seen this Ultimate Gum Solution in the website.Since then I always have a goodnight sleep and work functionally everyday. Mr. Sung Lee I think your God's send to me and to those other people. Thank you very very much and you have more blessing to come.
Arnulfo Aguilar-Vallejo,Ca.
I have been using Gum Solution for approximately 6 weeks. I no longer have toothaches. It is a blessing! My dentist commented on how healthy my gums looked last week - and it was my first visit in three years! I am so pleased with the product that I am having my mother use it. She has spent $8,000 in the last 18 months on dental work. She just called yesterday and asked me to send her another bottle of the gum solution. She is finally feeling relief. Thank you so much for your wonderful product!
Best Regards,
S. Tornabene - CA
Hi Sung,
This Duane in Hollywood . You know the guy that comes to your place to pick up my UGS in person. Here is my testimony: I have been using Ultimate Gum Solution for about 5 months now. I have had gum problems for years and spent so much money on dental work that it is just unbelievable. Since I discovered this product, my gums haven't been bleeding and my mouth has never been healthier. My dentist had advised me to get some antibiotic shots in my gums to kill the infections that were deep in my gums that ran $100.00 a shot. After using this product he was amazed that my gums were healthy and I no longer needed the shots. He asked "What did you do?" I recommend this product for everyone even if you haven't had gums issues, this will no doubt fix and prevent gum problems in the future. This product deserves 5 stars!!
Duane – Hollywood
Hello! I have this gum problem for more than 10 years now. I tried everything I know to make my gums okay because I was so worried with my bad breath as well. I regularly went to see dentist but still, no use at all. I was still having bleeding gums & bad breath. So When I tried this gum solution I ordered it to give it a try if it really works. And it's amazing! You can see immediately when a product really works even if you use it only once. In one day application you can really observe and feel that your gums will stop bleeding. It happened to me on the first day so, I continued using it. Try it no w for you to see the difference it will make...Thanks to 1st ultimate gum solution.
Agnes Marie Banasen
I tried Ultimate Gum Solution. I had a serious gum erosion problem for several months or even years. Two doctors were unable to help me. Surgery was suggested.
Each time I use the Ultimate Solution the "bite" was relieved from my infection. It eased the pain. Healing began. Other solutions helped for a while but didn't give the relief that Ultimate Gum Solution gave.
Shirley Baxter
After a six year hiatus from dental visits, I visited a dentist on 11/11/04. He was amazed at the condition of my teeth. I explained I had been using Ultimate Gum Solution, and noticed my receding gums were improving and had returned to a normal healthy pink. Thanks for your product.
Connie Smith
Before I got Ultimate Gum Solution™, I often feel my gum pain could be out of control anytime, since I live in forest and far from dentist, have Ultimate Gum Solution™ is a very handy solution. I also learned from it's natural healing idea, try my best to treat my gum and my body with best healing stuff, THANKS A LOT ,
Ping Guo
Sung Lee,
Yes, I would like to share my testimony with your customers. I had the gum infections for 1-2 years and had used antibiotics which made them temporarily disappear, only to return with greater tenacity. My condition began to noticeably improve in a week after using the Ultimate Gum Solution and in less than 3 weeks there was no longer any sign of infection.
Thank you for your product!
Don W., New York
I have been using Ultimate Gum Solution for almost a year now. At one point, I forgot to re-order and almost immediately my gums began to bleed again, and I knew my breath was bad. Since then I have re-ordered and not only does my mouth feel fresher, my gums no longer bleed and I feel healthier. I don't want to be without this product!
C. Jensen
When my dentist told me last fall that I had early stage periodontal disease, I knew I had to find an alternative to root canal surgery and other expensive treatments he recommended. I searched the net and found the Ultimate Gum solution and decided to give it a try. What did I have to loose? Well, to my surprise, my bottom jaw teeth stopped hurting within a few minutes and I was able to stand to get my teeth cleaned within a month without pain. I knew then, that the gum solution was really helping me. I plan to tell everyone I know about this solution so they can also stop the pain, save money, and help their teeth and gums become healthy again without surgery! J
Thanks again for such a great product that actually works!
Frankie H. Jones
Dear Mr. Lee:
Thank you for your wonderful product!! I have suffered for a long time with gum problems and like you, spent lots of money at the periodontist. I used your Ultimate gum solution twice and noticed a difference right away. I will be ordering more. Do you make it in a larger bottle?
Patricia Bergstrom
Feedback: Since 7 years I had problems with my gums. It all started when I got crowns on my left upper side followed by some root canals. The pain I had back then was unbelievable and I went from dentist to physician and I even had acupuncture done for a few months. Nothing seemed to really work and nobody believed the pain I had because everything looked fine and the dentist couldn't help me anymore. So I thought that I have to live with the pain for the rest of my life. A few weeks ago I had a gingivectomy on my upper left tooth which caused me so much pain again. That's when I started to look around in the internet to find some answers to my problem. It was easy to find the page of #1 Dental Care and after reading about it, I ordered the Ultimate Gum Solution. As it is a 100 % Natural Herb Solution, I was quite excited to use it, and I wasn't afraid about side effects. Now, one week later I must say, the pain is gone and I am so happy that I finally found a solution to my problem!
Thank you for producing such a fine product.
Susanna Luebbert
Hi Sung
The first dental problem I had was with a tooth that had a temporary crown on it. The temporary crown became loose and bacteria got in. The dentist removed the temporary crown and said the tooth needed a root canal at a cost of $1400.00. He also said he could not guarantee the root canal as I have a tooth that is still in the gum growing sideways and that tooth prevented him from seeing the entire root of the tooth that needed the root canal.
One day I bite down too hard on that tooth and it became infected and sore. That is when I found the Ultimate Gum Solution. It worked immediately. That was 9 months or so ago. I have not had a problem with the tooth since. Then a piece broke off one of my wisdom teeth (top left hand side). the tooth started to ache. I immediately ordered more Ultimate Gum Solution. The tooth was very uncomfortable for two days until I received my order. I applied the UGS immediately at about 4.30 p.m. and kept applying more solution until I went to bed that night.
I had a sound sleep and woke up the next morning with no pain or soreness in the tooth or gum area. I keep the UGS by my bed and use it last thing at night after I clean and floss my teeth.
I also keep it in my purse to have it available at all times.
Thank you
Yvon – Santa Barbara
Feedback: Hi, My name is Laura Vacca, I had a infected tooth and gum the dentist did a procedure on my tooth and it seemed to get worse , so i looked on the computer for alternatives to root canals and found ultimate gum solutions, I ordered it and started using it at once 3 times a day my pain and infection was gone with in 4 days , this does work and I still use it twice a day just for good gum and teeth health. if you have any doubt about this product don't.
Thank You,
Laura Vacca
Every time I would brush my teeth, my gums would start bleeding and swelling and that made it very difficult for me to brush my teeth. I remember waking up in the middle of the night crying because of a toothache, I would use medicated toothache swabs and other things and nothing worked until I started using the UGS it really works wonders. I have not been using UGS very long but I am already starting to see the difference and it is wonderful. I would recommend this to all of my friends.
Thanks, Tina Tina Gunderson – Texas
I am a Type II diabetic with gum problems. I was told that gum problems goes with the diseases. I have the disease for more than 30 years! I had gum surgery by periodontist and nothing help. Until I use this "Ultimate Gum Solution" twice a day. After 6 mos. of using "Ultimate Gum Solution" My Dentist said the gums have stop receding.
Larry from Los Angeles
Feedback: This is amazing. Product works great. I had bleeding gum also had a loose tooth. I even made an appointment with my dentist to extract the tooth. After two weeks of use bleeding stopped pain gone and loose tooth got tighter.
Submitted by Ninan Thomas
Here’s my story in a nutshell. I had an infected gum behind a tooth and it was in the throbbing stage. Not yet painful.but that was the next stop. I’ve had this happen twice before, both times I required antibiotics. So in two applications (I didn’t need to use the syringe) the danger was over and I was able to avoid a trip to the dentist office and antibiotics.
Thank you very much,
Don Z., Malibu Ca
My name is Madhumita, a resident of Baltimore, MD. My husband, Amit Tripathi, had recently ordered a 1 oz Bottle of the UGS for me. I must say that I was a chronic sufferer of the dental condition. My gums were red and would bleed very frequently. I used to wake up every morning with bad breath and was getting so depressed. I wanted to get some relief ASAP. I had tried out many medicines on the condition which had not really helped much. I faintly remember spending some ~ 6000$ on the condition. So after visiting your site I decided to give Ultimate Gum Solution™ a shot and that was the beginning of the happy phase for me. My bad breath was actually gone on the 3rd day. It took only 8 days for the gum bleeding to stop for good and my gums have also regained the natural color. After using this product I am confident that even the most chronic dental conditions, are curable. Finally there is an amazing product that works. I would strongly recommend this product to anyone with any serious or chronic condition. The best part is that it is a natural product and I am sure would be free of any side effects.
Madhumita Bhatt
Feedback: I was extremely skeptical about your product as we offer are subjected to so many scams these days. Normally I don't give testimonials about an item unless it borders on great!.....this does! I used this product for one month praying for good results and I got them. My gums actually reversed their recession slightly and the area at the top of my gums is no longer red. I am ordering more of your product as of this writing and wanted to thank you for developing such an item..... thanks!
Submit – Randy A.
I have been using your product and it is the only thing that is helping me after having gum surgery. I think that had I known about your product, I would have refused the gum surgery which was painful and costly and only helped for a few months. My husband was feeling the beginning of a gum infection and tried your ultimate gum solution™. He was so excited about this product and said it stopped his gums from getting infected and said it was a miracle cure. Thank you from both of us.
Submitted -Rachayl Hahn – Boca Raton
I had mouth ulcers for months without knowing how to eliminate them as they were extremely painful. I also notice that my gums are not swollen in certain areas of my mouth where my dentist expressed concern about gingivitis. It seems that UGS has been helping to resolve both problems and I think it is an excellent product, especially for busy people who know the importance of keeping their gums in good condition, thus hopefully avoiding illnesses that might occur from dental and gum infections.
Submitted – by Alfonso Lopez
I have had great immediate results with the Ultimate Gum Solution.™ like many others I do not and cannot afford dental insurance and have had to go recently and had the dentist prescribe pain pills and antibiotics and a $1,600.00 estimate for root canal and to recap my tooth...needless to say I could not afford this I did take the medications and felt worst and this did not help and I was not able to go in for the dental work due to the finances and I found this dental solution online and felt like I could give this a try my tooth was reinfected and the pain was so horrible it was affecting my health and I am contract work and cannot afford to be without work or feeling able to deal with customers and so I decided to try this the price was amazingly affordable and I was so ill from this getting worse!!! I received this overnight I was so desperate to try this and needed it immediately I was very impressed with the quickness and the response from the handling of the order to receiving it. I also have to say the best part of all which I saved for last.... I am.. feeling better already it happened to take an immediate effect on reducing the infection and the PAIN.. I was taking not only the pain meds for my tooth before but extra strength advil / aspirin anything I could to help me through this.. but the only thing that did indeed help was the Ultimate Gum Solution™ and it was very easy to use and I still cannot believe but can certainly testify this does work and I am sold and have already told many of the people I know and work with I feel so relieved and believe in it 100% plus!!!! It worked on the evening I started taking it I felt the pain leaving and by the next night ALL of my pain was gone and my fever and the infection GONE!!! I am very grateful and will keep ordering and keeping a supply of this product. Thanks very much!!!!
Pamela O'Brien
Dear Sung,
As I stated in my last email...I have been using your gum solution for about a year and a half. Before starting with your wonderful product I suffered with bleeding and soreness of my gums. Within the last 6 months those problems have become the stuff of memory. My gums not only feel wonderful, in that there is no more soreness but they seem to be a better and healthier color.
I will continue to be a customer as soon as my current supply runs low and I recommend this solution to anyone interested in the health of their gums.
Keep up the good work, and thanks
Joe Cortelli
Feedback: Best product ever, I was always afraid to go to the dentist even to have teeth cleaned because my gums always were inflamed and it would be a bad experience. I ordered your product and used it every day and I noticed an improvement right away. My gums quit bleeding after a few times of using the solution, I would put it in the deep pockets that were swollen and painful and after 7 years of avoiding the dentist I decided to face my fear and get my teeth checked and cleaned. The hygienist said my teeth and gums were in great shape with no inflammation and she was amazed that I had not been to the dentist in that long of a period and that the last time I had pus pockets and I had to have a sedative to help with the pain. I felt no pain,the experience was actually pleasant and now I got to the dentist every 6 months for my checkup and it is all because of the product I bought from you. I found you on the internet and I read the testimonials and now I am a true believer, If you hate the dentist as much as I do, I recommend the ultimate gum solution,No more inflamed gums or bleeding from the gums!! Thank you again !!!
Submit – Kathy Smith
Feedback: Deeply receding gums; bleeding; puffy and sore gums; slight bad breath Before using this product my gums were constantly sore, swollen, receding and bleeding. Within 4 days of using this product the bleeding stopped, the swelling went down, New skin started growing back and everything was clearly going straight back to normal!
I look a lot better and feel and a lot better too and have not had any problems since!
I would recommend this to anyone who has had problems with gum disease no matter how minor. It's always better to be safe when it comes to the condition of you gums!
If you need any other information for Ultimate Gum Solution please contact me and I will be happy to provide it for you! Thanking you!
Troy Cabrera
Feedback: Over a year ago I broke a tooth whilst eating, the pain was unbearable so I tried different ways to kill the pain. I put neat Vodka on the tooth which eased it slightly, Oil of cloves which did nothing, I even used Ice cubes which did numb the area. I then decided to go on the Internet, I put chronic toothache in Jeeves and the UGS website was one off the sites that came up. I sent for two bottles and have been using it since. I can HONESTLY say that in the time that I have been using UGS,approx 9 months, the only time that I have any pain was once again eating something and the food I was chewing pressed down on to the broken tooth, I applied some UGS and the pain eased. I think that without UGS I would have gone mad, it is absolutely wonderful .
Yours gratefully. John Sidebotham.
My gums had been hurting since early this year.
Actually off and on for the past few years. I had gone to the doctor and they told me I had a sinus problem. I guess that covered the real problem. I was going to the dentist, but they didn't see the real problem. I developed a reddish pocket where the original problem started and my new dentist said that I had an abscess and that the tooth would need to be extracted or a root canal was needed. I went on the web and the first website was yours. I read the ingredients and researched what they did and ordered a bottle. It's phenomenal. I put a few drops in my mouth, held it for a minute, then brushed my teeth and swallowed. I did this 15 minutes after brushing with toothpaste. I do believe that had I purchased the travel pack with the oral irrigator, it would have been even quicker. Your product is amazing.
Vincent Chapman
In my opinion the Ultimate Gum Solution™ has been a miracle for me it all started two years ago when my gum problems arose i had inflamed bleeding gums and terrible tooth aches linked to my gum problems after having painful tooth aches i had a tooth extraction done, later my dentist advised to have a tooth polish done which resulted in the shrinkage of my gums (my gums shrunk and my front teeth roots were visible) after this i was unable to eat or drink properly as i was always in pain until i put a search in the internet for a herbal remedy for gum disease and that's when i found the UGS i thought that there's no harm in trying the UGS so i did within the first use i felt it working and now my gums are in a healthy condition. the UGS is a brilliant product.
I would like to share my testimonial about the use of the ultimate gum solution!
I ordered only one bottle, and used it immediately ...as I have a cracked tooth in front that that caused an abscess in my gums.
I refuse to have a surgery until my gums no longer are swollen! I read about articles on gum surgeries and its effects.
Anyway, I used the ultimate gum solution - used it with my toothbrush, and also soaked with it a piece of cotton and placed it on top of the gum (under my upper lip) every night. After a few days, I felt relief from the usual pain I felt in the past before I used the solution! I also noticed a difference in color of my gums, which used to be really red and swollen! Now the swelling is gone, and yet although I still intend to have it fixed by my dentist, I am pretty sure it is less swollen now. I still want to order some more of the solution and continue using it in the future. I have a friend who needs help with her gums too, so I will recommend the ultimate gum solution to her!
Maria - California
I have pericoronitis due to a wisdom tooth which never came through.
Food and bacteria now become trapped in my gum which causes swelling and a lot of pain, quite often spreading into my cheek. Sometimes the swelling and pain is so bad that I can barely close my mouth and have great difficulty eating food.
This started very suddenly in May 2005 and my dentist initially prescribed 2 lots of antibiotics to try to control the infection. He said that I would eventually require surgery to remove the wisdom tooth but as the wisdom tooth is lying in quite an awkward position and very close to a nerve, he was reluctant to refer me to an oral surgeon until absolutely necessary. He said that I would probably require intermittent courses of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications as it is a problem that would not go away without surgery. However, almost as soon as I stopped the antibiotics the infection returned. I have actually had blood tests to confirm that I am menopausal and my dentist
agrees with me, that this is the reason why I have been experiencing this gum problem.
I have tried everything that my Dentist advised - warm salt water mouth washes, anti-inflammatory tablets for the pain and just about every mouth wash there is - and nothing controlled it.
I was so desperate I decided to browse the internet to see if there was anything new that I had not tried when I spotted the Ultimate Gum Solution. I will be honest and say I was rather skeptical about trying it at first but I was so impressed with the money back guarantee offer that I thought it must be worth a try. I could tell within a couple of days of using the UGS that my gum was improving (I could hardly believe it!) and within a week the swelling and pain had completely gone. Apart from when I have had a course of antibiotics, this is the first time that I have been without pain and swelling in almost a year. I can now eat normally again and close my mouth without problem. It is difficult to explain the difference to my life UGS has made. My only regret is that I did not find UGS sooner.
Julie Leeming, Lancashire, England
I’ve only used UGS for a month, and I was skeptical at first. I had two teeth that were loose and cracked off at the gum, and one was just in half. The pain came and went. I wasn’t ready to go to the dentist because I KNEW he would pull them. Prior to that, I had gone almost 2 years without much pain. When I used UGS, within one week, I was not having the intense throbbing that normally accompanies a cracked tooth. This stuff was amazing! Within two weeks, I could CALMLY and without pain think about going to the dentist and get it taken care of. I honestly think that healing was faster than it would be normally. I still have a few steps to perfect teeth, but with UGS, it will be much better not having to deal with the pain.
Phil Ohio, USA
I have found the product ultimate gum solution just wonderful.
I have had bleeding gums for over 30 years, and after using the product the bleeding stopped after just a few applications. It makes your mouth feel clean and fresh. I definitely would not be with out the product now.
I try to use it everyday now, to keep my gums in good condition.
I would highly recommend the product ultimate gum solution.
Lois – California
Having had 'on and off' swollen gum problems over the past few years – I was determined to find an alternative solution to 'antibiotics and anti-inflammatory' medications which had been prescribed by my dentist recently prior to an urgently needed back tooth extraction. The whole side of my face had contorted and was very badly swollen that the dentist refused to work on the tooth until the swelling subsided. With the tendency towards a 'Crohn's – related disease, my sensitive stomach and physical system did not welcome this severe medication. Only one week later, after the extraction, I awoke to discover that the other side of my face had swollen up in the same manner but this time the pain was intolerable – I felt that I needed two other back tooth extractions as they were loose in the swollen gum.
I was really frightened to continue taking the strong, disagreeable antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medication that I had been taking for 3 weeks prior – I did not have a good feeling about it. This is when I was determined to find a
natural alternative. Browsing the internet for a solution – I found your website and decided to give your product a try.
Well, after about a week of use – I discovered that not only had the loose back teeth become stronger but the overall condition of my gums improved also. No more bleeding – no more swelling. As I have quite a number of porcelain crowns – I was worried that, given the state of my gums, that I might lose them also. Your products really work and I am delighted to be able to recommend them personally to anyone with teeth or gum problems. This is a real break-through – and I am happy to add 'I have not returned, as yet, to the dentist'.
As a maintenance and preventative measure, I continue to use the ultimate gum solution everyday single day. Thank You So Much.
A.Mezzone Haughey
On Wednesday August 22, 06, i started eating ice cream, when a very sharp pain came from my top right front tooth. I remembered 8 months earlier my dentist stated i may need a root canal in that tooth, which at the time I were not feeling any pain or having any problems. Unfortunately, at the time of the problem was late evenings and Thursday most dentist are not opened. So i were in throbbing pain, I had to do something i really didn't have the money to put into a root canal. So, i did a search on the internet for tooth pain relievers and came across Mr. Lee’s website. It sounded unbelievable at first, but it was just what i wanted to find at that time. I called the number on the website, and happily spoke with Mr Lee. He explained how it works and more informative information about tooth pain. And more surprise he stated he could get it to me the next day, wow, that was a God send. I testify that the product arrived the next day, the throbbing pain left immediately after insertion, after 15-20 minutes 85% of pain were gone, the next day I had no pain in tooth.
The swelling i incurred the day before started to go down, after continued use for four days, i have no pain and all
swelling has gone. This product was God sent.
Thank You, Me Lee. God Bless !
- Harold Judkins
Hello Sir!
I have had a root canal therapy in one of my front tooth due to an abscess which was an effect of a trauma.
Well the therapy failed and my dentist tried apicoectomy which within a year failed so the abscess is still there...
I have also another abscess in one of my lateral tooth because that same dentist had overdone fixing it..
I had terrible pains after that and months after, we found out from an x-ray that it developed an abscess...
so great! I had 2 abscess in my 2 teeth w/c are located in front..
I tried your product (drop-on bottle) and I'm happy to tell u that that I experienced changes but I'm afraid that the abscess was still there. now I'm wondering if you can give me more tips on how to use your product so I can get the best results it can offer... though I didn't use the oral irrigator yet, is it appropriate for my situation, I don't know how to use it though and if I will, how can I reduce irritating my gum tissues when I use it..
thank you so much... besides creating this product, I thank you for supporting your clients too.. thank you very much
Claire – California
Hi my name is Widiya Izumi. I never had a tooth problem in my life but about 7 months ago, I start to have a pain in my gum. First I did not take this problem seriously but after few weeks, I was realized that I am having a big big trouble because I took some pain killers and wishing that the pain will gone in few days or so, but the pain just becoming greater. Very luckily, I had a friend introduced me to " Ultimate Gum Solution" and Mr. Lee in the perfect timing and he told me to try one bottle.
At the beginning, I thought that it wouldn't heal instantly so I decided to wait to see if it worked well for me. But just the day after I use the Ultimate Gum Solution, I feel difference already that the pain has been reduced and I almost feel like I do not really have to take the pain killer. And the results of my gum problem had been working well and the pain, bump and the bleeding problems had gotten well.
Now I feel so happy. If I can tell a little about Ultimate Gum Solution, it is really easy to use the injector that comes with a bottle and it has all the instructions we need to know. The injector is really useful with the little bent needle , it can easily be put inside my gum and reach the infected area deep inside gum. So I highly recommend Ultimate Gum Solution to everyone who having gum problem. I am the proof because I have tried it and it went really well.
Thanks Mr. Lee and "Ultimate GUM SOLUTION"!!!
I see many people suffering because of their gum problem and that they are using so much money to go to the dentist and have surgery. So I really want to thank Mr. Lee for inventing such a wonderful product the Ultimate Gum Solution and I want to let the people who are suffering to know that this product is good for them and that it is really helpful for them to use better than to get surgery. And also that this is a affordable price for them to get and that it is really easy to use.
Widiya Izumi - Japan
I had been searching the Internet for any solution to my dental pain due to multiple root canals. I also was experiencing pain due to molar infection that had to be extracted in the end. Had a previous root canal, but improper fitting of the crown caused bacterial leakage and infection in the root area.
I had suffered for many years with transient dental pain due to the multiple root canals, and was looking for any relief. I came upon the Ultimate Gum Solution and decided to contact Mr. Lee and give it a try. I met with him and he was such a gentleman. He explained all that went into the research and preparation of the product.
I purchased, but at first was hesitant. I really needed a miracle.
Anyway, I gave it a try, and it did calm down the pain of the infection and post-extraction.
I use it everyday. I drench my gums and almost use it as a mouthwash. I do believe that it is all that it claims to be.
You must get used to the taste, first.
After awhile, you do become accustomed to it and it's no big deal. Would rather have healthy gums and endure the taste than suffer the alternatives.
I do recommend the product to anyone experiencing any kind of dental pain, gum pain.
Nancy Amundson - California
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DOUBLE Strength Ultimate Gum Solution 1 oz Bottle
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4-pack SINGLE Strength Ultimate Gum Solution
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4-pack DOUBLE Strength Ultimate Gum Solution
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7-pack DOUBLE Strength Ultimate Gum Solution
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Wholesale 12-pack DOUBLE Strength Ultimate Gum Solution
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