In this issue:
(1) The Poorer the Defense Capability of a Patient, The
more Probable Bacteria will Reestablish themselves
in a New Tissue
- By Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D.
(2) Testimonial - From a customer
more Probable Bacteria will Reestablish themselves
in a New Tissue
By Dr. George Meining,D.D.S.,
* Dentists at the time of Dr. Price's research,
as well as those practicing today, generally consider
that the larger the area of infection seen on an x-ray
picture and particularly those which had fistulas
indicated the severity of the disease. A careful study
of 1400 patients showed the type and size of the lesion
as a predictor of symstemic body involvedment was a false
* For example, those showing condensed bone and very
little change at the root end of the tooth proved to be
the more serious infections. People with this condition
were frequently found to be prone to a degenerative
group of disease.
* On the other hand, those with large areas of alveolar
bone loss and/or fistulas were generally found in patients
in good condition with little or no systemic involvement.
This has led to some confusion in the medical and dental
professions, as the large numbers of patients presenting
in outpatient clinics of hospitals - often those with
low incomes - usually have more abundant infections than
are found in any other group. On the whole, these people
were found to have quantities of pus flowing from any
number of broken down teeth, but Dr. Price found most
of these patients did not exhibit signs and symptoms of
systemic illnesses. He demonstrated that the physical
change about the root of the tooth was not a measure of
its infection but was primarily related to the patient's
body defense capability.
* Today we refer to the body's defense capability as the
ability of the person's immune system. If a person's
defense mechanism is strong, Price speculated, there
is localized spread of the infected area without the
spread of organisms to other parts of the body - until
the infection is present for a prolonged period.
* Dr. Price reasoned that when the patient's defense is
poor, the body tries to wall off the infection by
surrounding the area with dense bone, and it is this
dense bone which slows the growth of granulomas and stops
fistula formation and its function of quickly carrying
off pus. In these cases, the organisms' main means of
escape to other parts of the body is via the bloodstream.
* The poorer the defense capability of patient, the more
probable that the bacteria will reestablish themselves
in a new tissue or organ. Teeth in these cases tend to
become more tender and painful than those which appear
more seriously involved.
(2) Dear Support-Testimonial from customer.
Hello! I have this gum problem for more than 10 years now.
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Sung Lee
Gum Disease & General Health Tips #31